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vancomycin treatment

4 Ocak 2011 Salı

August 25, 2008 — Lower minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) than the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has used as breakpoints may predict vancomycin treatment failure against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, according to the results of an observational cohort study published online June 30, 2008, for the September print issue of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Lowering these breakpoints could encourage needed research and development of new antimicrobial agents.

"Physicians are mistakenly of the belief that vancomycin is the most powerful, most potent drug available for gram-positive infections," Barry Eisenstein, MD, clinical professor of medicine at Harvard University Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and senior vice president of scientific affairs at Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, Massachusetts, said in a teleconference August 21, 2008. "This study was truly the smoking gun showing us that we must be much more careful about how we use drugs like vancomycin."

Although vancomycin became the drug of choice for MRSA and is still widely used for this indication, previous studies suggest that when vancomycin MIC values are at the high end of the susceptibility range (≥1.5 mg/L), vancomycin is less effective against MRSA. However, these studies have been criticized on the grounds that patients with vancomycin MIC values of 1.5 mg/L or higher may have been sicker than those with lower MIC values.

"Our study is the first to rigorously control for confounding variables," said lead author Thomas P. Lodise, MD, associate professor of Pharmacy Practice at Albany College of Pharmacy, New York. "We looked at patients with MRSA treated appropriately within 48 hours with vancomycin, stratified them based on vancomycin MIC [values] less than or equal to 1 or greater than or equal to 1.5, and compared outcomes."

Between January 2005 and May 2007, data regarding demographic factors, comorbid conditions, microbiology, and antibiotic exposure data were collected on 105 adult patients with MRSA bloodstream infections who met inclusion criteria. Etest was used to determine vancomycin MICs, and stepwise logistic regression identified independent predictors of high vancomycin MICs.

Vancomycin MIC values were 1.5 mg/L or higher in 73.3% of patients (77 of 105). Independent predictors of high MICs were prior vancomycin exposure within 30 days of index culture collection (15 patients [19.5%] vs 1 patient [3.6%]; P = .05) and being in an intensive care unit (ICU) at the onset of infection (27 patients [35.1%] vs 3 patients [10.7%]; P = .02).

The only variable differing between the 2 groups at baseline with a P value of less than .2 that predicted treatment failure with vancomycin was baseline creatinine clearance levels of 33 mL/min or lower, which was actually more prevalent in the low-MIC group. This would actually tend to bias the findings toward seeing no difference in outcomes between groups with vancomycin MIC values of 1 or lower or 1.5 or higher.

"Outcomes were significantly worse in the higher vancomycin MIC group, even though the groups were very well matched for clinical factors at baseline," Dr. Lodise said. "If anything, some of the factors usually associated with treatment failure were more pronounced in the low MIC group."

Compared with patients with MRSA bloodstream infection and vancomycin MIC values less than 1, those patients with MIC values of 1.5 or higher had a greater likelihood of treatment failure, longer duration of bacteremia, greater likelihood of recurrence, and longer duration of hospital length of stay. Treatment success rates were no better in patients with higher vancomycin troughs of 15 mg/L or more.

"Even patients with adequate vancomycin trough levels in the higher MIC group had a very low probability of success, which tells us there is something special about these organisms," Dr. Lodise said. "The organisms with higher MIC are less responsive to vancomycin, so pushing the dose is not really an option because of decreased efficacy and increased nephrotoxicity."

On the basis of these findings, the investigators concluded that patients with MRSA bloodstream infections in the ICU or who had a history of vancomycin exposure should be considered at high risk for infection with MRSA strains having high vancomycin MICs and should receive appropriate and aggressive empirical therapy.

"Within the susceptibility range there is a gradient of response," Dr. Eisenstein said. "There is an extraordinarily large range of organisms that by current criteria look like they are susceptible, but in terms of treatment success, they are ineffective."

The investigators therefore recommend considering nonvancomycin anti-MRSA treatment for patients with vancomycin MIC values of 1.5 mg/L or higher and lowering the vancomycin susceptibility breakpoint for MRSA bloodstream infection from MIC values of 2.0 mg/L or lower to 1.0 mg/L or lower.

Limitations of this study include collection of MRSA blood culture data from a single site, potentially reducing generalizability of the findings; exclusion of patients with neutropenia; and large number of bivariate tests performed, increasing the likelihood that 1 or more of the "significant" results are false-positive. In addition, most strains had MIC values of 1.5 mg/L, suggesting that 1 or several clones could be driving the observed relationship between vancomycin MIC and treatment failure at the study institution.

In response to questions posed by Medscape Infectious Diseases, Dr. Eisenstein described a "perverse paradox" acting on 2 fronts to suppress research and development of new antimicrobial agents — both supply versus demand and regulatory policies regarding new drug approval.

"We need to practice antibiotic stewardship and reserve the best and most potent antibiotics for those patients who truly need them," Dr. Eisenstein said. "This helps on the demand side but hurts on the supply side, because the tendency of physicians not to use newly developed antibiotics with fewer resistance issues means that pharmaceutical companies will take too many years to recoup their initial investment."

The second front also tends to suppress pharmaceutical development of new antimicrobials: because the FDA recognizes growing issues with resistance to vancomycin, it now requires that new antibiotics seeking approval must show a vanishingly small degree of inferiority to vancomycin in clinical trials. The smaller the required noninferiority margin, the larger the size and the higher the costs of the needed clinical trial.

"Studies like this can be used to awaken Congress to not be complacent about the value of old antibiotics, which is depreciating, and can also be used to encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest in new drugs," Dr. Eisenstein concluded.

Cubist Pharmaceuticals, makers of daptomycin, supported this study via a grant for which Dr. Lodise was the principal investigator. The other authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.


mesothelioma alternative treatment

New approaches to treat malignant mesothelioma are currently being tested. They often combine traditional treatments or include something entirely new. They include:

  • Angiogenesis and Anti-angiogenesis Drugs

    Although progress has been made in the early detection of cancer, and in improved treatment options once cancer is diagnosed, there are still many cancers, including mesothelioma, which can not be cured and remain difficult to treat effectively. In recent years, researchers have learned a great deal about how cancer cells differ from normal cells and, in an effort to find drugs without the potentially severe side effects of chemotherapy, have now discovered drugs which target the tumor itself while sparing the body’s normal cells. One such group are the anti-angiogenesis drugs.

    Learn more about anti-angiogenesis agents in the treatment of mesothelioma.

  • Immunotherapy, sometimes called biological therapy, uses the body's own immune system to protect itself against disease. Researchers have found that the immune system may be able to recognize the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells, and eliminate those that become cancerous. Immunotherapy is designed to repair, stimulate, or enhance the immune system's natural anticancer function.

    Substances used in immunotherapy, called biological response modifiers (BRMs) alter the interaction between the body's immune defenses and cancer, thereby improving the body's ability to fight disease. Some BRMs, such as cytokines and antibodies, occur naturally in the body, however, it is now possible to make BRMs in the laboratory that can imitate or influence natural immune response agents. These BRMs may:

    • Enhance the immune system to fight cancer cell growth.
    • Eliminate, regulate, or suppress body responses that permit cancer growth.
    • Make cancer cells more susceptible to destruction by the immune system.
    • Alter cancer cell's growth patterns to behave like normal cells.
    • Block or reverse the process that changes a normal cell into a cancer cell.
    • Prevent a cancer cell from spreading to other sites.

    Many BRMs are currently being used in cancer treatment, including interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, and cancer vaccines.

  • More on immunotherapy for mesothelioma.

  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a type of cancer treatment based on the premise that single-celled organisms, if first treated with certain photosensitive drugs, will die when exposed to light at a particular frequency. PDT destroys cancerous cells by using this fixed frequency light to activate photosensitizing drugs which have accumulated in body tissues.

    In PDT, a photosensitizing drug is administered intravenously. Within a specific time frame (usually a matter of days), the drug selectively concentrates in diseased cells, while rapidly being eliminated from normal cells. The treated cancer cells are then exposed to a laser light chosen for its ability to activate the photosensitizing agent. This laser light is delivered to the cancer site, (in the case of mesothelioma, the pleura), through a fiberoptic device that allows the laser light to be manipulated by the physician. As the agent in the treated cells absorbs the light, an active form of oxygen destroys the surrounding cancer cells. The light exposure must be carefully timed, so that it occurs when most of the photosensitizing drug has left the healthy cells, but is still present in cancerous ones.

    The major side effect of PDT is skin sensitivity. Patients undergoing this type of therapy are usually advised to avoid direct and even indirect sunlight for at least six weeks. Other side effects may include nausea, vomiting, a metallic taste in the mouth, and eye sensitivity to light. These symptoms may sometimes come as a result of the injection of the photosensitizing agent.

  • Gene therapy is an approach to treating potentially fatal or disabling diseases by modifying the expression of an individual's genes toward a therapeutic goal. The premise of gene therapy is based on correcting disease at the DNA level and compensating for the abnormal genes.

    Replacement gene therapy replaces a mutated or missing gene, most often a tumor suppressor gene, with a normal copy of that gene which serves to keep cell growth and division under control. The p53 gene, the most common gene mutated in cancer has become a prime target for gene replacement, and has met with some success in inhibiting cell growth, inhibiting angiogenesis (the development of a tumor's blood supply), and inducing apoptosis (cell death).

    Knockout gene therapy targets the products of oncogenes (a gene that can induce tumor formation) in an effort to render them inactive and reduce cell growth.

    With constantly expanding knowledge of the genes associated with cancer, their functions, and the delivery systems used in administering these genes, gene therapy has a promising future.

  • Complementary and alternative medicine covers a wide range of healing philosophies that conventional medicine does not commonly accept or make available to its patients. Some of these practices include the use ofacupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, therapeutic massage, and Far Eastern medicine to treat health conditions.

    These therapies may be used alone as an alternative to conventional medicine, or in addition to conventional medicine, in which case they are referred to as complementary. Many are considered holistic, meaning their focus is to treat the whole patient - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These treatments are not widely taught as a part of the medical curriculum, are not generally used in hospitals, and, for the most part, are not covered under insurance policies.

    Many cancer patients try various complementary and/or alternative medicine techniques during the course of their treatment, and although they may not work for everyone, some patients benefit by managing their symptoms or side effects. One important caveat, is to discuss any complementary or alternative treatments you may be considering with your doctor to be sure nothing interferes with your conventional care. For instance, dietary supplements such as herbs or vitamins may be "natural", but not necessarily "safe". They may lessen the effectiveness of certain anticancer drugs, or when taken with other drugs or in large doses, may actually cause harm. Since supplements of this nature are not governed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and a prescription is not necessary to purchase, it is up to the consumer to make informed and conscientious decisions regarding their use.

    Your personal physician may be able to advise you about the use of complementary and alternative treatments and therapies, and how they relate to mesothelioma.

    The combinaton of complementary and conventional therapies is sometimes referred to as integrative medicine.

  • Unconventional methods of cancer treatment make claims that can not be scientifically substantiated. They commonly claim to be effective against cancers that are considered incurable, and tout treatments with relatively few, if any, side effects.

    The use of these unconventional methods may result in the loss of valuable time and the opportunity to receive potentially effective therapy. It is always important to remain in the care of a qualified physician who uses accepted methods of treatment or who is participating in scientifically designed investigational therapies.


mesothelioma treatment centers

Below is a comprehensive list of some of the nationwide cancer centers that specialize inmesothelioma cancer. The research teams and medical experts that work at these centers are there to offer their patients quality mesothelioma diagnosis, effective treatment and therapy, as well as support services and education.

Sadly, mesothelioma cancer is an aggressive disease that is often difficult to diagnose and treat. Fortunately, the United States has some of the very best doctors and other medical professionals trained in delivering the most effective care possible for the victims of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma treatment centers, located in nearly all fifty states, are specially equipped and experienced with caring for patients with this difficult form of cancer.

Mesothelioma Treatments & Specialists

The medical professionals at mesothelioma treatment centers include doctors, oncologists, radiologists, palliative care specialists, nurses, and more. These teams can provide comprehensive services from diagnostics to surgery to pain relief. Many of the experts at mesothelioma treatment centers are pioneers in new research for the improved treatment of this asbestos-related disease. They utilize this knowledge to serve the needs of patients and their families.

Mesothelioma treatment centers often conduct mesothelioma clinical trials, which are designed to measure the efficacy of promising new drugs or other treatments. Together with your health care team, you may investigate the possibility of joining one of these trials. Or you may benefit from the advancements such trials have made in the mesothelioma treatment.

Mesothelioma Treatment Centers in USA

Our website has a detailed listing of mesothelioma treatment centers located throughout the United States and explains some of the unique asbestos risks for each state to help you learn more about your risk of developing mesothelioma.


antabuse treatment

Antabuse Precautions

Since antabuse treatment can cause disfunction of multiple organs and systems, it is essential to underdo a thorough consulting session with your doctor to make sure no severe and harmfull side effects arise. Before you start taking antabuse, inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have allergies to antabuse or to thiuram or thiuram-related chemicals (theese are found in pesticides and rubber).

You should not take antabuse in several medical conditions: severe heart/blood vessel disease, as coronary artery disease, and certain mental/mood disfunction (psychosis). If you have any of the conditions mentioned above, do not start antabuse treatment, consult your doctor for alternate alcoholism treatment methods, or other options in which you could use antabuse (e.g. after treating the disease or disfunction).

Before using antabuse, tell your doctor or pharmacist your complete medical history, especially take note of: diabetes, brain malfunctions (seizures or brain damage), kidney and liver diseases, underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), personal or family history of drug abuse. If you suspect any of the mentioned problems to be present, but didnt get diagnosed or treated for them, it is best to do a complete medical examination before you want to start taking antabuse.

While taking antabuse, avoid all alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products including cough and cold medicines, aftershave, mouthwash, sauces, vinegars, etc.) and at lest for 2 weeks after stopping antabuse treatment. It is known that certain products caused unpleasant reactions months after the patient had stopped taking antabuse, though this kind of reaction is very unlikely. Most of the time such reaction occur out of psychological effects of antabuse treatment, and not from the medicine itself.

Check all product labels carefully to make sure there is no alcohol content present in the product. Contacting with alcohol, even with a small amount, while taking antabuse can lead to a severe reaction that may include flushing, throbbing headache, fainting, breathing problems (breath shortness, irregular heartbeat, irregular or fast breathing),nausea, dizziness, extreme tiredness, vomiting, blurred vision. Mentioned symptoms can last from 5-10 minutes to several hours. Inform your doctor immediately if any of the symptoms occur, especially if they persist or worsen.

More serious reactions with antabuse and alcohol include, but not limited to: breathing inability, seizures, consciousness loss, pain in chest and/or left arm, jaw. Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of these symptoms.

While pregnant, the patient should use antabuse only if absolutely needed. Discuss the possible risks and benefits with your doctor. It is unknown whether antabuse passes into breast milk, thus breast-feeding while on antabuse treatment is not recommended.

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Most Frequent Antabuse Side Effects and Reactions

antabuse reactions
The effects from taking both alcohol and antabuse range widely from mild to severe, depending on the amount of consumed substance and drug dosage. Allways consult your doctor before starting any kind of antabuse treatment. Peaple with strong psychological addiction to alcohol might find antabuse therapy useless or even harmfull, bacause even minimal amounts of alcohol can cause serious problems. Be carefull not to misdose the pills, and absolutely restrain yourself from taking alcohol while on antabuse.

When you drink while taking antabuse, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Flushing
  • Weakness
  • Hyperventilation
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Throbbing in the head and neck
  • Tachycardiachest pain
  • Confusion
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Copious vomiting
  • Thirst
  • Palpitations
  • Throbbing headache
  • Hypotension
  • Vertigo
  • Blurred vision
  • Overall uneasiness

Mentioned above are the mild symptoms of intoxication when alcohol and antabuse are consumed. Antabuse effects worsen when more pills and alcohol is consumed, i.e. when the amount of reagents rise. Antabuse overdose, or alcohol consuption right after taking antabuse might trigger severe reactions which include, but not limited to:

  • Respiratory depression
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Cardiovascular collapse
  • Acute congestive heart failure
  • Unconsciousness
  • Arrhythmias
  • Convulsions
  • Death.
Antabuse allergies also exist, so be carefull to figure them out quickly, because sometimes people cannot discert antabuse allergies from antabuse and alcohol interaction effect.

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executive drug treatment

Crossroads Centre is a non-profit, International Centre of Excellence for the treatment of alcohol and other drug addictions.

The program was founded by Mr. Eric Clapton on the beautiful island of Antigua, West Indies. Residential and outpatient services are provided within a Twelve-Step framework while integrating key complementary therapies to provide a whole person approach to treatment and ongoing recovery.

We believe that through a program of abstinence and a change and improvement in lifestyle, people and families have the capacity to recover from addiction. Indeed, recovery from addiction is possible and is often lifesaving.

Residential treatment provides a unique opportunity for individuals suffering from alcohol and drug addiction to immerse themselves in an intensive therapeutic and supportive environment. Away from the daily distractions of everyday life, our physical environment is one of peace and tranquility which offers our clients a safe place to begin the process of recovery. In addition to our alcohol and drug rehabilitation program, our services include: intervention referrals, aftercare planning, transitional living residences, and an integrated family program.

We are here to help individuals and their families whose lives are controlled by alcohol, drugs or other compulsive behaviours – Helping them to make the changes necessary to find new health, a new sense of well-being and a new life of recovery.


mesothelioma treatment options

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer affecting the mesothelium – the cellular membrane of the lungs, abdomen and heart. Localized mesothelioma is found on and around the cellular membrane while advanced malignant mesothelioma can spread throughout the body and onto other organs and tissues.

There are different forms of malignant mesothelium cancer depending on its location:peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma andtesticular mesothelioma. There are also various mesothelioma treatment options and kinds of mesothelioma treatments.

The cause of mesothelioma is asbestos poisoning or long term exposure, most often in construction and manufacturing industries. Smoking has not been proven to be the cause of mesothelioma but it increases the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma. Asbestosis is another illness caused by asbestos.

Mesothelioma diagnosis is difficult as its symptoms correspond to various other nonlethal illnesses and conditions. Mesothelioma symptoms include difficulties in breathing and swallowing, coughing, pain, swelling of the neck and face, disturbed bowel movements. Life expectancy for malignant mesothelioma patients is usually less than one year after diagnosis, but that can change with respect to the stage of cancer development and time of diagnosis. Mesothelioma diagnosis occurs only after the patient started suffering from the symptoms and then various tests are utilized to eliminate the possibilities of other conditions. A complete physical examination is the starting point, followed by X-ray, CT or MRI imaging, and finally a biopsy is performed and the tissue samples are sent to the pathologist for analysis. In the case that more tissue samples are needed, exploratory surgery is performed.

Once a diagnosis has been made, the patient has several mesothelioma treatment options available and together with the doctor can choose between surgical mesothelioma treatment, where the infected tissue is removed along with a part of the surrounding tissue; the radiation therapy mesothelioma treatment, uses internal or external radiation to kill the cancer cells and control their further growth; the chemotherapy mesothelioma treatment, involves the use of drugs which control specific cellular processes and are used to inhibit growth and division of cells, however this method also destroys normal cells and therefore patients experience discomfort. All of these mesothelioma treatment options can be used alone or together depending on the stage of development and the condition of the patient.New mesothelioma treatment options such as immuno therapy, gene therapy and photodynamic therapy are being developed and also used.

As mesothelioma is hard to diagnose and discover, numerous clinical trials are being conducted every year to find new and better mesothelioma treatment options before recommending them for general use.


mesothelioma specialists


The following physicians are specialists in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. You will find links to their web sites, when available and to some of their published articles.They are listed in no particular order with no particular endorsement.

Mesothelioma is typically treated by an interdisciplinary team of doctors rather than by a single physician. You may run into professionals called oncologists, thoracic surgeons, and pulmonologists. Glossary of members of a thoracic oncology care team. More onchoosing your mesothelioma doctor.


Professor and Chairman/Department of Surgery, Texas A&M University System Health Sciences Center, Scott & White Hospital, Temple, TX
Phone: 254-724-2595

Dr. Smythe is currently accruing patients for a protocol involving extrapleural pneumonectomy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT). (Click here for an abstract of this trial).



Associate Professor, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Division of Surgery/The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Phone: (713) 794-1477

Dr. Rice's main area of clinical interest lies in the surgical management of mesothelioma. In collaboration with colleagues in Radiation Oncology, he has furthered research into intensity modulated radiation therapy after surgical resection of mesothelioma. His research has lead to improved ways of preoperative staging of mesothelioma, and he has participated in neoadjuvant trials of chemotherapy and novel targeted agent.



Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery/Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA Chief, Department of Surgical Services/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA
Phone: (617) 732-6824

Dr. Sugarbaker believes in aggressive treatment of pleural mesothelioma. He is a proponent of tri-modal therapy; extrapleural pneumonectomy, chemotherapy and radiation.

Click here for an article by Dr. David J. Sugarbaker that appeared in the The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, January 1999 (12 pages in Adobe PDF format).



Attending Thoracic Surgeon; Clinical Co-Director of the International Mesothelioma Program/Brigham & Women's Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Phone: (617) 525-9657

Dr. Zellos is an Attending Thoracic Surgeon and the Clinical Co-Director of the International Mesothelioma Program. Dr. Zellos is a proponent of tailored multimodality therapy for each individual patient. Appropriate therapy may include surgery such as pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy with chemotherapy or radiation. Dr. Zellos has published several papers on multimodality therapy as well as methods to improve surgical techniques.


Attending Thoracic Surgeon/Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Phone: (212) 639-5873

Dr. Rusch is known for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. She has published several papers comparing pleural decortication to extrapleural pneumonectomy.



Chief of Thoracic Surgery Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Phone: (212) 241-9466 (ask for Lina)

Dr. Flores is currently the Principal Investigator on a clinical trial of neoadjuvant gemcitabine and cisplatin followed by extrapleural pneumonectomy and high dose radiation, as well as being involved in a trial of neoadjuvant Alimta/cisplatin, extrapleural pneumonectomy and high dose radiation. He has also compiled a 1,000 patient database to research areas of failure, and how to improve treatments for mesothelioma.


Press Release from Mt Sinai


Director, Surgical Oncology/Washington Cancer Institute, Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 877-3908

Dr. Sugarbaker is a specialist in the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.


Professor of Surgery, Creighton University Medical School; Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology; Director of Cancer Center/Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 280-4100

Dr. Loggie specializes in the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma and peritoneal carcinomatosis. His protocol, based on eligibility, involves surgical debulking in combination with intraperitoneal heated chemotherapy.



Professor of Surgery, Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology/UPMC Cancer Pavilion, Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: (412) 692-2852

Dr. Bartlett has particular expertise in the management of advanced, complex abdominal malignancies. He also has a research interest in treating advanced carcinomas in the peritoneal cavity, including peritoneal mesothelioma.


Director, Clinical Trial Office and Investigational Drug Program/Cancer Research and Treatment Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Phone: (505) 272-4551

Dr. Verschraegen is currently conducting a front-line Alimta/gemcitabine trial for peritoneal mesothelioma patients. She also offers the following Phase I trials for patients who have already been treated with Alimta:

  • Phase I Study of Capecitabine with Cisplatin and Irinotecan in Patients with Advanced Malignancies
  • Phase I Study of Intravenous TZT-1027 and Gemcitabine, Administered on Day 1 and Day 8 of a Three Week Course in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
  • Phase I Study of Flavoperidol in Combination with Gemcitabine and Irinotecan in Patients with Metastatic Cancer



Staff Surgeon, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery/Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
Phone: (216) 444-4053

Dr. Mason is a proponent of aggressive multimodality therapy for malignant mesothelioma. This includes extrapleural pneumonectomy, chemotherapy and radiation with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT). Cleveland Clinic Foundation has amultidisciplinary Thoracic Oncology team with extensive experience and clinical trials in the management of malignant mesothelioma.



Assistant Professor of Surgery Chief, General Thoracic Surgery/UCSF Mt. Zion Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
Phone: (415) 885-3882

Dr. Jablons treats pleural mesothelioma with a radical pleurectomy/decortication and is researching other therapies.



Director, Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Principal Thoracic Surgical Oncologist/H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL
Phone: (813) 972-8412

Dr. Robinson is a member of the multidisciplinary thoracic oncology group at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center which evaluates and treats all stages of mesothelioma. He is also involved in clinical research programs for lung cancer and mesothelioma.



Division Chief, Radiation Oncology/H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute/Tampa, FL
Phone: (813) 972-8424



Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons/New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY
Phone: (212) 305-4076

Dr. Robert Taub is a medical oncologist who directs the Connective Tissue Oncology Program at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, where there are a number of ongoing multimodality studies of patients with pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. The Center is based at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.Click here for a press release announcing a new multimodality study.



Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine/University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 614-0984

Dr. Sterman is the co-author of several informative articles on treatment and clinical trials for pleural mesothelioma.



Associate Professor of Surgery, Section of General Thoracic Surgery/University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Phone: (206) 598-4477

Dr. Vallieres uses a multidisciplinary approach to thoracic malignancies and related clinical trials. Please see Medical Journal & News Articles for an article Dr. Vallieres co-authored on Induction Chemotherapy, Extra Pleural Pneumonectomy And Adjuvant Fast Neutron Radiationtherapy For Pleural Mesothelioma (Dmm).



Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery/Associate Professor of Surgery and Oncology/Surgical Director, Lung Transplantation Program/Director, Thoracic Oncology Program/Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
Phone: (410) 614-3891



Medical Director of the Cancer Institute at St. Joseph Medical Center/Towson, MD
Phone: (410) 427-2220

Dr. Krasna is the former Head of the Division of Thoracic Surgery, Professor of Surgery and Associate Director for Surgical Oncology in the Greenebaum Cancer Center at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Dr. Krasna is a leader in the development of thoracic surgery. He is the author of the first textbook on thoracoscopic surgery and has instructed surgeons worldwide on his techniques.



Associate Professor of Surgery, Thoracic Oncology Program/Assistant
Professor of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Phone: (919) 668-8413



Professor and Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery and Thoracic Oncology, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery/NYU School of Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center/New York, NY
Phone: (212) 263-7417


Co-Director of Thoracic Oncology/University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center/Ann Arbor, MI
Phone: (734) 936-5281

Dr. Kalemkerian directs the multidisciplinary thoracic oncology clinic at the University of Michigan Cancer Center, in addition to collaborating with the thoracic oncology team at Karmanos Cancer Institute, to develop novel clinical trials for mesothelioma patients.


Chief of Thoracic Surgery/University of Pennsylvania at Presbyterian, Philadelphia, PA
Phone: (215) 662-9195

Dr. Friedberg is currently the Principal Investigator on a trial of photodynamic therapy for pleural malignancies, and also on a trial combining Alimta/cisplatin, surgery and XRT.


UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (310) 794-7333


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